Friday, August 15, 2008

Another Opera Blog...

I know...I feel the same way. But, since Jennifer Larmore turned me on to opera and I now have made many friends who also share my love for this mezzo, it seemed right to have a place for my humble thoughts and opinions. But also I hope everyone will share their feelings on an opera, concert, recording or anecdote relating to one of the greatest mezzo-sopranos of our time. Let's have fun and share the good feelings, as Jennifer would most likely have it! Thanks! Paul - Los Angeles

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great to have a blog to share thoughts about our favourite mezzo!
I came to her through the fabulous recording of Handel's "Giulio Cesare" with René Jacobs which hit me like lightning! I had been an opera fan since my earliest childhood, but Baroque opera until then was just a boring string of repetitive da-capo arias for me(yawn, yawn!) This terrific recording changed all this! It made an epoch in my life and is my desert island disc! I was completely bowled over by Jennie's interpretation of the Roman hero: the majesty, the impetuosity, the ruthlessness, but also the playfulness, tenderness and vulnerability of this ambiguous character - and all traces of mathematical monotony of earlier Baroque music singing blown away in a vocal tornado! And the sheer beauty of the timbre is overwhelming: pure mousse chocolat, Nutella, crème caramel! She together with René Jacobs and the fabulous Concerto Koeln deliver a Handel on the rocks!
I have been following her around now for about 14 years and seen her in all her major roles in Berlin, Paris, Edinburgh, New York, Brussels: her charming Rosina, her pert & perky Italiana, her touching Angelina, her forthright Hansel, her vulnerable and dignified Charlotte... - and hope she'll go on singing for a long time yet! and surprise us with more great portrayals! Her wonderful new cd "Royal Mezzo" hints at new possibilities opening up. I join the chorus: "All Hail Jennie, once and future Queen of Mezzos!